Monday, January 10, 2011

Morton's Quick Salt Substitute

Rauchverbot am Arbeitsplatz

Verpflichtung des Arbeitgebers

Das Rauchverbot erstreckt sich grundsätzlich auf den gesamten Arbeitsplatzbereich. Dem Arbeitgeber obliegt es, seine Mitarbeiter vor den Gefahren, die vom Tabakkonsum ausgehen, zu schützen, d.h. alle Vorkehrungen zu treffen, damit das Rauchverbot von den anderen Arbeitnehmern, Customers, etc. also being applied in practice.

If the ban does not apply because the employer is responsible for this. He can not rely on his good faith, to have taken all necessary steps to effectively implement the smoking ban.

in the underlying Court of Cassation of 6 October 2010 had filed a worker (a barman) due to cigarette smoke, which he was exposed during his time on the part of Barkunden, termination at the expense of his employer. The application was granted. The employer was ordered to pay the consequences arising from the representative of his dismissal. He was, according to the court, his Verpflichtungen aus dem bestehenden Rauchverbot, wonach er die Barkunden beim Rauchen hätte hindern müssen, nicht nachgekommen.


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