Nichtigkeit der Entlassung nach Rückkehr aus dem Mutterschaftsurlaub
injustice acts preparatory
The dismissal of a worker after the termination of maternity leave is then void it can be demonstrated that it has made during ihner "protected" absence of preparatory measures for the subsequent termination. Thus the Supreme Court by order dated 15 September 2010. This is the high court on the labor law also by which plus during maternity leave four weeks no discharge could be granted. It expands the above protection period on all measures to carry out within this time period to the subsequent dismissal, be made, such as search and planning for a final compensation for the terminating employee.
The previous law allowed that could be started already during the pregnancy leave, the termination process and only the final release could be terminated only after the above deadline.
It is now urgently recommended to refrain from any preparatory measures dismissal during maternity leave distance. Particular care should be taken to ensure that the cessation of a temporary help for the pregnant employee strength, no definite character for a planned subsequent commitment can be subject.
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