Unfortunately - or Fortunately - yes I report now has two dogs, which had for their "dangerousness" should be euthanized: Blacky and Spider.
Blacky recognize me quickly, jump high and whines at the door happily. The nurses have given him only to eat and call it suspicious as to inconspicuously. The distrust does not surprise me in his past, he had to learn some cruel people, he was partially forced even with a so-called "fishing rod" (rod with zuziehbarer loop at the end) to go along. Fortunately, Blacky has experienced but also good, as, for example, his walker. Due to the time spent together, he could also take confidence in people.
go when creating the chest harness, I very carefully, so as not to press too much. Before I begin, I test his Response to the click of the shutter, who knows, maybe he connects with it ... I also try to reward as each step. The plan worked well. The subsequent walk was relaxed, barking dogs behind the fence are he does not care at dog-term, it is available, is outgoing and independent right next to me and listen to almost any of my words.
Back again, he responds to a foreign woman for him even briefly restrained and takes from her a treat through the kennel door. He shows me a hedgehog ball and wants to play with, lässt sich durch Leckerlis vom Ball ablenken, sodass ich ihn nehmen kann (um ihn wieder zurück zu geben).
Blacky ist also - welch Überraschung - ein normaler Hund, der nichts Unberechenbares an sich hat, wie ihm nachgesagt wird. Durch falsche (brutale) Behandlung und Strafen kann jeder Hund immer zur Gefahr werden. Bei respekt- und rücksichtsvollem Umgang zeigt Blacky, dass er ein absolut liebenswerter und lernwilliger junger Hund ist, was auch seine Spaziergängerin bestätigt. Unfassbar, dass Blacky vor zwei Tagen hätte euthanasiert werden sollen! Wieso sollte er für Fehler, die Menschen begangen haben, bestraft werden?
Jedenfalls kommt auch Spider natürlich nicht zu kurz! Er ist wirklich ein very dear dog, which have been admired many people. Since we already know us more, he trusts me and throws himself against my legs, so I did crawl. Spider should have been the year should not have to do!
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