Börsengesellschaften verringern die Bezüge ihrer Vorstände
Durchschnittsgehalt liegt bei 3,06 Mio. in 2009
Die Gesamtbezüge der Vorstände der 120 an der Pariser Börse geführten Unternehmen sind wiederum in 2009 zurückgegangen, nachdem bereits in 2008 gegenüber 2007 eine Verringerung zu verzeichnen war. Für die 40 „CAC"- Unternehmen ergab sich in den drei Jahren ein Rückgang des durchschnittlichen Gesamteinkommens eines Vorstands von 4,7 Mio. D in 2007 auf 3,56 Mio. D in 2008 auf schließlich 3,06 Mio. D in 2009.
Die Spitze wird von Carlos Ghosn, dem Präsident von Renault listed as having a yearly income of 9.2 million D, of which 8 million but D originate from his work at the subsidiary Nissan, which "were concealed from shareholders of Renault," according to the annual report of the consulting firm Proxinvest Second ranked Christopher Viehbacher. been worn-General of Sanofi-Aventis, who stops just since the end of 2008 this position is expected 8.2 million D. Here, according to Proxinvest, who claim to want to reach the comparable U.S. level of remuneration, accounting should be. On the third position, after he was leader in 2008, Bernard Arnault, Chairman and major shareholder of the luxury group LVMH with 7.6 million D has fallen.
For all three top earners is the same as that of the hard part of their income to the lower share is (1.2 to 1.7 million D). . Constitute "Stock Options and bonus shares, however, more than half
The analysis noted critically that the salaries for the no longer operative president - a separation that is several years often practiced in France, to the former head continues to to bind the company (similar to the function of the supervisory board in Germany), - the highest in Europe count increased from 864 000 to 928 000 D average
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