Saturday, January 29, 2011

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In Blacky passed's past, even some negative events, which is why I am seeing, not to him press. Just direct eye contact, which for humans is "polite" can, Blacky shy away: too often he was threatened in the past. Therefore, he learns first time with me that in-the-eye-view is nothing dangerous. Also muzzle training, we have already begun. Blacky learns very quickly and especially you! I really have the impression that he do everything right wants.

For a few days ago I was fortunate to an assistant, Alice. First she went with me easily, then I let Alice every now and then do a little exercise with Blacky and today they did everything alone. Neither the welcome of Alice, nor during any other situation showed Blacky suspicious or even threatening behavior. On the contrary, he is very friendly and love to learn and above all fast.

For Blacky I am looking for experienced new pet people who take a little time um ihn kennen zu lernen. Wie eindrucksvoll zu sehen ist, schließt Blacky schnell Freundschaften und ist ein lebensfroher, lustiger Hund. Er ist erst zwei Jahre alt und hat ein langes, glückliches Leben verdient.

Friday, January 28, 2011

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Spider in the happy / snow!

Spider ist ja wirklich kein schwieriger Hund im Umgang (übrigens auch durch ein Zweitgutachten bestätigt!), daher wird der Bub nun nicht mehr ausschließlich von mir versorgt.

Daher hat er sein - hoffentlich - letztes Übergangs-Zuhause bezogen, im Schneechaos!

was now the right time to get to know the gentle Great!
He would appreciate people who have ideally have a garden. Spider likes children very much, because of its size but they should be older. He is a loving cuddler who enjoys any attention.

Please mail!

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Forderungsverzicht gegenüber der Tochter

No part of a goodwill over

The Supreme Tax Court ("Conseil d'Etat") rejected several times from the tax deductibility of debt waivers by companies in favor of its subsidiary, which was later adopted by her. The "Conseil d 'Etat saw "in such a waiver an additional purchase price for the purchase of the shares.

In the present case, a supermarket operating company had increased its stake in another company with the same activity of 20% to 99.31%. At the same time gewährte sie der Gesellschaft zwei Forderungsverzichte. Das Beteiligungsunternehmen fiel daraufhin in Konkurs. Die Muttergesellschaft hatte einen starken Anstieg ihrer Umsätze zu verzeichnen und erweiterte in Folge ihre Verkaufsfläche um das gleiche Volumen, das von dem in Konkurs gefallenen Unternehmen vorher genutzt wurde.

Die Finanzverwaltung stellte zwar die Abzugsfähigkeit des Forderungsverzichtes hinsichtlich des Beteiligungserwerbs nicht in Frage, erblickte jedoch hierin die Zahlung für die Akquisition eines Geschäftswertes („good will"), der ihr durch die Liquidation der beteiligten Gesellschaft zugeflossen wäre. Als Argumentation führte sie aus, dass die erwerbende Gesellschaft sowohl ihre Umsätze als auch ihre Verkaufsfläche nach dem Konkurs der Tochtergesellschaft hätte erweitern können.

Der oberste Steuergerichtshof („Conseil d'Etat") verwarf die Auffassung der Finanzverwaltung und zwar aus ganz pragmatischen Gründen: Die Erweiterung der Verkaufsfläche hätte einer zusätzlichen administrativen Genehmigung bedurft, deren Erteilung unsicher gewesen sei. Diese wurde tatsächlich zunächst verweigert und erst nach zwei Jahren gegeben. Folglich hätten die Forderungsverzichte zum Zeitpunkt ihres Ausspruches auch nicht als Gegenleistung für den Erwerb eines Geschäftswertes erachtet werden können.

Das vorliegende Urteil erhärtet die Auffassung des „Conseil d'Etat", principle that waivers - if they are given as part of a normal business - tax deductible. A negation, and thus the acquisition of a value may be accepted only in special circumstances prevail by the tax authorities.

Monday, January 24, 2011

8 Month Old Mucus Poo

thinking games

Blacky learns eagerly
I can put a treat on the floor, Blacky remains seated obediently until I find him smart. :-)

He also learns already know the muzzle and the harness is on-off and a child's play.

Spider it is of course good updates for it come the end of the week in picture and video form.

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Forderungsverzicht gegenüber der Tochter

No part of a goodwill over

The Supreme Tax Court ("Conseil d'Etat") rejected several times from the tax deductibility of debt waivers by companies in favor of its subsidiary, which was later adopted by her. The "Conseil d 'Etat saw "in such a waiver additional purchase price for the purchase of the shares.

In the present case, a supermarket operating company had increased its stake in another company with the same activity of 20% to 99.31%. At the same time it granted the company two waivers. The investment company was then in bankruptcy. The parent company had recorded strong growth in revenue and expanded its sales area in a row to the same volume that was used by the fallen bankrupt company in advance.

The financial management, while acknowledging the deductibility of the debt waiver terms of the acquisition of the question, however, saw in this die Zahlung für die Akquisition eines Geschäftswertes („good will"), der ihr durch die Liquidation der beteiligten Gesellschaft zugeflossen wäre. Als Argumentation führte sie aus, dass die erwerbende Gesellschaft sowohl ihre Umsätze als auch ihre Verkaufsfläche nach dem Konkurs der Tochtergesellschaft hätte erweitern können.

Der oberste Steuergerichtshof („Conseil d'Etat") verwarf die Auffassung der Finanzverwaltung und zwar aus ganz pragmatischen Gründen: Die Erweiterung der Verkaufsfläche hätte einer zusätzlichen administrativen Genehmigung bedurft, deren Erteilung unsicher gewesen sei. Diese wurde tatsächlich zunächst verweigert und erst nach zwei Jahren gegeben. Consequently, the waivers could have been considered at the time of pronouncement and not as consideration for the acquisition of a business value.

This ruling confirms the opinion of the Conseil d'Etat, which waivers in principle - may be tax deductible a denial and that the acquisition of a business value but only in special circumstances prevail - unless they are given as part of normal business activities. adopted by the Treasury.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Nichtigkeit der Entlassung nach Rückkehr aus dem Mutterschaftsurlaub

injustice acts preparatory

The dismissal of a worker after the termination of maternity leave is then void it can be demonstrated that it has made during ihner "protected" absence of preparatory measures for the subsequent termination. Thus the Supreme Court by order dated 15 September 2010. This is the high court on the labor law also by which plus during maternity leave four weeks no discharge could be granted. It expands the above protection period on all measures to carry out within this time period to the subsequent dismissal, be made, such as search and planning for a final compensation for the terminating employee.

The previous law allowed that could be started already during the pregnancy leave, the termination process and only the final release could be terminated only after the above deadline.

It is now urgently recommended to refrain from any preparatory measures dismissal during maternity leave distance. Particular care should be taken to ensure that the cessation of a temporary help for the pregnant employee strength, no definite character for a planned subsequent commitment can be subject.

Monday, January 17, 2011

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Verzicht auf Einhaltung des Wettbewerbsverbots

date for the verdict?

It has consistently held that to comply with the Competition clause, if so provided in the employment relationship may be waived by the employer. This eliminates the payment of the compensation prescribed claim. Normally provides for the contract or the relevant collective agreement for this waiver a certain period.

By Judgement of the Court of Cassation of 13 July 2010 dealt with the issue, but could be lifted within what time period the restraint of trade. The court decided that a clause that the employer acknowledges the right at any time, thus performing throughout the duration of the competition lock to lift the ban, an invalid agreement. Both the permanent Uncertainty whether the employer will insist on compliance with the clause and the restriction in his choice of occupation can not be expected of the employee.

The Supreme Court goes into his decision one step further this time for the case where there is absolutely no cancellation period provided for in the contract. In such circumstances, the non-competition waiver must be issued simultaneously with the termination, otherwise it can not be legally taken by the compensation ratio. The Supreme Court is thus on its previous case law that within a "reasonable" ("raisonnable") deadline - after Termination - even a suspension was possible.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wording Ideas For My 35th Birthday

Blacky and the harness

Spider was - like every day - very friendly and good at walking. When I asked: "Are there any special features?" explain the nurses always: "No, Spider-friendly and well behaved."

Spider deserves to find a living room soon. He is such a lovable dog who can give him a chance?

Blacky's past is indeed characterized by with very unpleasant and frightening experience in humans. He is very careful and very sensitive when he feels pressured to be physically. His reaction is by no means aggressive, much more he shows by his body language that he is extremely uncomfortable. Of course I respect his fears and was therefore right the first time (after the first tightening of the chest harness) left alone so he can build trust.

Now it is but already so that it immediately comes to me when I sit down, so I Scratch him - he leans right on me.
have therefore today I installed a walk a little exercise: Blacky will learn that there is nothing wrong if I lead him by the harness. It can in everyday life sometimes be helpful to have a dog in the back bar of the chest harness lead /, eg, in stressful situations. Blacky has not yet met such contacts, but unfortunately he had to make even a negative experience with human contact.
As the video shows he trusts me after a week so that it works really great on the first try - I have it of course, never forced into anything!

Blacky is otherwise very attentive and really great accessible. He is on call immediately!

Anyone interested in the good, young boy? He would be glad to meet someone who can / give him a home!

Friday, January 14, 2011

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Abzugsfähigkeit von Kundengeschenken

The existing tax rules

In the beginning of the year again offering the opportunity to reward good business with little touches to do, not the tax treatment should be disregarded entirely. For this, the currently existing regulations:

For gifts of equivalent value (including VAT and distribution costs) can not exceed a maximum of 60 D, the deduction can be claimed. A gift worth 60 D can be entered once per fiscal year per person.

corporation: take
To the tax deductibility in order to benefit, the donation process are of interest to the donor company and reflect the normal business practice, ie the delivery of gifts must be for authorized purposes be released (eg a bribe) and the values \u200b\u200bof fair and reasonable. Extent that the expenditure for gifts increased disproportionately compared with the profit performance of the company, the tax authorities a calculation request, verifiable account of this company.

are also require companies to the extent that the total annual amount of the gift expenses - that is for all recipient - 3.000 D exceeds this in einer Spezialaufstellung („relevé de frais généraux"), die Bestandteil der Körperschaftsteuererklärung ist, anzugeben. Für die Nichtangabe von Geschenken in dieser Liste fällt eine Strafe von 5% auf die nicht deklarierten Beträge an.

Für Geschenke, die sich maximal pro Person und pro Jahr auf 60 D belaufen und die deutlich erkennbar und nicht leicht ablösbar den Werbecharakter des Präsents zum Ausdruck bringen, besteht diese zusätzliche Angabepflicht nicht.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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Mehrwertsteuerorganschaft ab 1. Januar 2012

Anwendungsvoraussetzungen innerhalb einer Gruppe

Ein Zusatz zum Haushaltsgesetz 2010 („loi des finances rectificative") führt eine interessante Wahlmöglichkeit and for the payment of VAT within a group. From 1 January 2012 the parent company of a group - if certain conditions are met - for the central charge and VAT payment option for all investment companies.

A group within the meaning of this control law is composed of the participating companies, which are more than 50% in terms of capital or voting legally joined together. All group companies have the financial control of the official "DGE (Direction des grandes entreprises") subject to and comply with the conditions for the electronic transfer duty. Furthermore, they must have the same fiscal year and be committed to the monthly VAT tax.

The VAT fiscal unity comes through option, which requires a consensual agreement among the Group companies, are used. The warrant application, which must be submitted by the parent company includes the obligation to pay the VAT, including ancillary charges which would be assigned.

The option refers to a period of at least three years, after which they may be withdrawn. The parent company is for the group as a summary of value added tax return and paid the cumulative net tax revenues of the members. If the Group turnover tax creates a tax credit can dies im Rahmen eines noch zu definierenden Verfahrens zurückerstattet oder bei der nächsten Erklärung geltend gemacht werden.

Jede Gruppengesellschaft ist auch weiterhin zur monatlichen Abgabe einer Mehrwertsteuererklärung - jedoch ohne Zahlung - verpflichtet. Darüber hinaus besteht eine gesamtschuldnerische Haftung mit der Obergesellschaft für die eigene Mehrwertsteuerschuld.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Online Plyometrics Workouts

videos in a double!

Blacky like a puppy!

Spider's favorite things: sniffing, teeth chattering, lick, scratch and mark.
Spider was here!

the two it's as good as it can be without their own home!

Who would know at least one of the two times to learn?

Monday, January 10, 2011

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Blacky: Play with edible


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Rauchverbot am Arbeitsplatz

Verpflichtung des Arbeitgebers

Das Rauchverbot erstreckt sich grundsätzlich auf den gesamten Arbeitsplatzbereich. Dem Arbeitgeber obliegt es, seine Mitarbeiter vor den Gefahren, die vom Tabakkonsum ausgehen, zu schützen, d.h. alle Vorkehrungen zu treffen, damit das Rauchverbot von den anderen Arbeitnehmern, Customers, etc. also being applied in practice.

If the ban does not apply because the employer is responsible for this. He can not rely on his good faith, to have taken all necessary steps to effectively implement the smoking ban.

in the underlying Court of Cassation of 6 October 2010 had filed a worker (a barman) due to cigarette smoke, which he was exposed during his time on the part of Barkunden, termination at the expense of his employer. The application was granted. The employer was ordered to pay the consequences arising from the representative of his dismissal. He was, according to the court, his Verpflichtungen aus dem bestehenden Rauchverbot, wonach er die Barkunden beim Rauchen hätte hindern müssen, nicht nachgekommen.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

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Blacky and Spider

Unfortunately - or Fortunately - yes I report now has two dogs, which had for their "dangerousness" should be euthanized: Blacky and Spider.

Blacky recognize me quickly, jump high and whines at the door happily. The nurses have given him only to eat and call it suspicious as to inconspicuously. The distrust does not surprise me in his past, he had to learn some cruel people, he was partially forced even with a so-called "fishing rod" (rod with zuziehbarer loop at the end) to go along. Fortunately, Blacky has experienced but also good, as, for example, his walker. Due to the time spent together, he could also take confidence in people.
go when creating the chest harness, I very carefully, so as not to press too much. Before I begin, I test his Response to the click of the shutter, who knows, maybe he connects with it ... I also try to reward as each step. The plan worked well. The subsequent walk was relaxed, barking dogs behind the fence are he does not care at dog-term, it is available, is outgoing and independent right next to me and listen to almost any of my words.

Back again, he responds to a foreign woman for him even briefly restrained and takes from her a treat through the kennel door. He shows me a hedgehog ball and wants to play with, lässt sich durch Leckerlis vom Ball ablenken, sodass ich ihn nehmen kann (um ihn wieder zurück zu geben).
Blacky ist also - welch Überraschung - ein normaler Hund, der nichts Unberechenbares an sich hat, wie ihm nachgesagt wird. Durch falsche (brutale) Behandlung und Strafen kann jeder Hund immer zur Gefahr werden. Bei respekt- und rücksichtsvollem Umgang zeigt Blacky, dass er ein absolut liebenswerter und lernwilliger junger Hund ist, was auch seine Spaziergängerin bestätigt. Unfassbar, dass Blacky vor zwei Tagen hätte euthanasiert werden sollen! Wieso sollte er für Fehler, die Menschen begangen haben, bestraft werden?

Jedenfalls kommt auch Spider natürlich nicht zu kurz! Er ist wirklich ein very dear dog, which have been admired many people. Since we already know us more, he trusts me and throws himself against my legs, so I did crawl. Spider should have been the year should not have to do!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

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Spider's history repeats itself: Blacky should be killed

Spider is still straightforward and even strangers over-friendly dog. For a more common car he has overcome great and lying down after half an hour even. It is absolutely incomprehensible to me that Spider actually should already be dead. A woman who Spider met today has me puzzled and incredulous at first, then looked shocked when I told her his story ...

The reason why I no longer mustered time (and motivation) to post something that is Blacky. He has a similar fate as Spider: he would already dead could return by the cooperation of FOUR PAWS, the Wr. SPCA and the animal shelter Krems an entirely improper, incorrect and premature decision to be revealed. Only at the last moment, so the morning of the euthanasia appointment, it was possible to prevent unfair Blacky's death - and that only through a "personal visit" site, where we could finally take Blacky LIVE. Thanks again for the great action - in the name of Blacky.

Blacky has been much behind him, although he is only two years old. Months ago he came to the shelter, was probably abused by an alcoholic. Unfortunately, the line that the shelter is not able, with the castrated male deal. Blacky learned through "tough measures" to fear some people.
Yet he was actually normal, only very specific person was not possible for him to gain a positive impression, of which he was not, for example get out of the car or lock in the kennel. But others were able to do the same with no problems, what two independent informants specified and even the staff of the shelter itself confirmed! Nevertheless, the officially official veterinary euthanasia and the Tierschutzombudsschaft "released". Unbelievable how easy seems to be!

any case, tune the stories in line with the current picture of Blacky: he is a very attentive dog who, though he knows me only a day, can easily take the car and immediately responds to every word good. I will also
Blacky intensive support in the coming weeks. He, too, for I am looking for a loving home. Aja, Blacky is a Rottweiler mix.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I`m Fat And Ugle And Black

Börsengesellschaften verringern die Bezüge ihrer Vorstände

Durchschnittsgehalt liegt bei 3,06 Mio. in 2009

Die Gesamtbezüge der Vorstände der 120 an der Pariser Börse geführten Unternehmen sind wiederum in 2009 zurückgegangen, nachdem bereits in 2008 gegenüber 2007 eine Verringerung zu verzeichnen war. Für die 40 „CAC"- Unternehmen ergab sich in den drei Jahren ein Rückgang des durchschnittlichen Gesamteinkommens eines Vorstands von 4,7 Mio. D in 2007 auf 3,56 Mio. D in 2008 auf schließlich 3,06 Mio. D in 2009.

Die Spitze wird von Carlos Ghosn, dem Präsident von Renault listed as having a yearly income of 9.2 million D, of which 8 million but D originate from his work at the subsidiary Nissan, which "were concealed from shareholders of Renault," according to the annual report of the consulting firm Proxinvest Second ranked Christopher Viehbacher. been worn-General of Sanofi-Aventis, who stops just since the end of 2008 this position is expected 8.2 million D. Here, according to Proxinvest, who claim to want to reach the comparable U.S. level of remuneration, accounting should be. On the third position, after he was leader in 2008, Bernard Arnault, Chairman and major shareholder of the luxury group LVMH with 7.6 million D has fallen.

For all three top earners is the same as that of the hard part of their income to the lower share is (1.2 to 1.7 million D). . Constitute "Stock Options and bonus shares, however, more than half

The analysis noted critically that the salaries for the no longer operative president - a separation that is several years often practiced in France, to the former head continues to to bind the company (similar to the function of the supervisory board in Germany), - the highest in Europe count increased from 864 000 to 928 000 D average

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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results of the investigation, ugly and Spider loves driving

Yesterday I get all the results of the investigation: x-rays and blood results.

The thyroid values \u200b\u200bare in the low normal range, is measured again after 6-8 weeks I will take care of.

Now for the ugly: my planning of the further supply of Spider is sabotaged. The management of the "normal Austrian" shelter distorts the incident history, involved himself in contradictions and makes Spider again as "pathological evil" is! Bottom drawer!
frightening and shocking, what's all in intrigues, "are looking pretty good" to! Apparently someone has a tremendous urge to justify the planned euthanasia.
Anyway, I already have a Plan B.

Finally, again times the brave Spider :
Strolling along barking dog behind a fence is put Spider hardly awake, and he hailed already known human friends and is an enthusiastic motorist
So much for malignancy ...
photos be submitted

Sunday, January 2, 2011

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Carefree Semi-pricked ears

Spider's sweet Semi-pricked ears from behind in today's walk! :-)

When coming back we had a relatively narrow corridor, on the one side were the free-running dogs, which are "welcomed" noisy. All of this was Spider matter, he just waited until I had unlocked and marched on with me.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

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Today I was walking with Spider. With the muzzle on his face he was not happy and sometimes it has "shaken off". :-)
The muzzle-tightening but we have practiced so well that it is the 2nd Spider Time "buckle up" again and this time it was easily resigned.

Spider has been scratched for a long time or not brushed properly, so I have today made up for the walk. He enjoys the total and leans against my legs or my hand.

I'd love to keep him so, I would only need a bigger apartment / house ...

Who can give the dear boy, a beautiful home (or me a greater accommodation)? :-)