Friday, March 4, 2011

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SEPA-Umstellung in Frankreich Anpassung an SAP

There is an urgent need for action.

the end of 2011, companies must have their information systems and tools for communicating with the banks on the European SEPA (Single European Payments Area) changed rules. Otherwise, a considerable extra effort in handling the threat of payment and in the worst case, certain transactions are carried out only by hand.

means the end of 2011 the final out of the national standards and regulations for international Euro payments in the EU. These must be replaced as necessary by the European SEPA regulation. Affected are transnational transfers, direct debits and card payments. The goal is to make the payment faster and safer.

for national payment the same rules apply, but should be used in parallel for a limited transitional period of national and SEPA standards.

These changes have long been known. Thus, for example, transfers since 2008 with the SEPA standards are carried out. None the less, a high percentage of French companies, especially SMEs, to change only very slowly. Many are aware of the urgency of this problem is not even aware of. It must be

changed not only in France, the French CFONB format to SEPA formats. To make matters worse, dass das von der Mehrzahl aller Unternehmen in Frankreich benutzte Übertragungsprotokoll ETEBAC, das über eine veraltete X25-Modemverbindung läuft und nicht internetfähig ist, vom Provider nur noch bis Mitte des Jahres unterstützt wird. Abgelöst wird ETEBAC durch EBICS, den bereits in Deutschland benutzten Standard oder aber durch SWIFTNet.

Es ist daher dringend anzuraten, sich auch in Frankreich schnellstens mit diesem Thema auseinanderzusetzen. Betroffen hiervon sind der Aufbau einer neuen Kommunikation mit den verschiedenen Banken sowie die Anpassung des bestehenden Informationssystems wie z.B. SAP. Letzteres beinhaltet eine Analyse und Aktualisierung der Stammdaten (Banken, Kunden, Lieferanten, Personal), das Einrichten the new payment methods, testing and staff training.

Even if this change is not a complicated project, the company they should still not be taken lightly, but will start as soon as possible with the implementation.


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