brown Yorkshire Terrier girl ZTP.KEINE Reservieungen more! Who
Yorkshire Terrier girl ZTP.KEINE Reservieungen more:!
Seeking a loving, new home for my Yorkshire Terrier mouse.
She is 1 year young, freshly dewormed, vaccinated and May 2011, has a pedigree and is healthy. It weighs
have 3 kg, 23 cm long and is written suitable for breeding (ZTP).
tattooed in the ear.
In September, it was the first time in heat.
She lives here with kids, cats and dogs together yet another clear and comes with everything.
is also clear it out with each dog.
runs well on a leash. Also runs without a leash and listens very well.
She is housebroken and can not howl, bark or breaking something stay at home alone.
She loves to play but is also very affectionate and cuddly.
is always beside me on the couch.
It is totally straightforward and a very sweet and pretty Yorki mouse.
Give them totally from a heavy heart.
NO installment!
Available with health certificate from the vet!
anrufen.KEINE Please only e-mails or SMS!
Price: 550 EUR 01,638,204,908
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