Sunday, November 28, 2010

Where To Buy A Popcorn Tub

dogs with them to help?

The truth about the breed Breeding
The animal shelters are overcrowded, yet dogs are bred. The reasons for many, buying a purebred dog and give a home to just any hybrid, are "known to nature and character" and "beauty". Besides the fact that dog potential abuses less genetically rather than by Learning is affected, has this beauty at a price: For the breed standards governing the appearance of the dogs almost exclusively, is on diseases caused by the massive inbreeding practice hardly respected.
breeders explain steadfast to eradicate inbred alleged weaknesses of a race and to reinforce good properties - Contrary to all rules of science and logic. Thus, a Pekinese
was winner of the world's largest dog show. Even during the awards ceremony he had to be placed on an ice pack due to overheating - for which he gained notoriety. The typical Pekinese round head and short nose (brachycephaly) limit nämlich die Atmung massiv ein und somit auch die Temperaturregulation.
Vielfach werden Welpen, die den Vorstellungen nicht entsprechen, einfach getötet. Es ist gängige Praxis, dass Rhodesian Ridgback-Welpen, denen der rassetypische Haarkamm am Rücken fehlt, eingeschläfert werden – und das, obwohl Hunde, die diesen Haarkamm tragen, krankheitsanfälliger sind (Spina bifida, Dermoidsinus).
Durch die Praktiken der Hundezucht wird extremes Leid produziert:
Die heutigen Rassenhunde repräsentieren nur mehr 10% der ursprünglich vorhandenen Genvariabilität ihrer vor 40 Jahren lebenden Verwandten. 90% der Gene sind durch die Inzucht bereits verloren gegangen. Die genetische Vielfalt der wenigen - A protected species available - giant panda individuals is greater than that of the millions of lines of the British race bred pug. Many of them suffer from a congenital deformation of the spine. Would such a change happened by a stroke, would I, the perpetrator is due to animal cruelty in court responsibility - breeders have to fear any consequences.
All this and much more documentation shows the "racial purity cripple - bred to death."


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