Friday, December 31, 2010

Tulip Theme Wedding Cake

news and Spider continues to make progress

there when the accident happened is a new twist: it may be that the nurse who was injured Spider "pushed back" is because he did not appear in the spout. Spider's alleged viciousness dissolves in any case more and more into thin air.

He was very motivated today, only the first major outlet to practice the smells and marking points of the other dogs have an irresistible attraction for Spider. Once he has checked off everything ready, and marked gescharrt, he is ready for new tasks, how nice to see on the video.

way Spider seems no defender of food to be: After I had given him a Kaustangerl for chewing, he was fine with dissuade a treat - I gave him the Stangerl course not taken away. Even though I've kept it in his hand, he was completely relaxed.

I hope that in 2011 he found a beautiful new home!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sister In Law Is Jealous Of You

premature death warrant - dog spider may live!

Wie so viele andere Tiere auch, kam Spider vor ein paar Monaten in ein ganz normales österreichisches Tierheim. Leider passierte ein Unfall: als eine Pflegerin den 4jährigen Hund im Freilauf ableinte und danach im Hüftbereich streichelte, „fiel“ Spider die Pflegerin „an“ und verletzte sie im Gesichts-/Halsbereich. Wie sich später heraus stellte, handelte es sich um oberflächliche Hautabschürfungen, ein Nähen der Wunde war nicht notwendig.

Der zuvor als freundlich bezeichnete Hund wurde sofort als extrem gefährlich abgestempelt, nach einer tierheiminternen Abstimmung stand fest: Spider ist so gefährlich, dass nur die Euthanasie the public to protect it from further attacks, to question apparently without knowledge of dog conduct, without how the accident happened and without to determine if Spider might be in pain.

By - very good and easy - facilitated cross-border cooperation of very dedicated dog lovers who have been able to save Spider's life. locked up after two weeks in the kennel with no social contact, I was allowed to it, "watch" to me a week to reach a verdict. Spider proved to be relatively calm dog, given their circumstances. I found there were no threatening behavior towards humans. He barked us even though I was standing with four employees in front of his kennel door - even I would have classified as "normal".

Spider was indeed tied to a tree found before he came to the shelter, but I just needed a few phone calls to find out where Spider had spent his first three years - was finally Spider chipped and registered. He lived in a family with two children, cats and rabbits. This family describes Spider as child-loving and friendly, even the petite woman could walk easily with it. Well with other dogs, there were no problems. The reason for his release were difficulties with a new owner, the dog-keeping prohibited. All this confirmed my feeling that here was decided hastily.

After some cancellations and I was able to organize an adequate accommodation, where I know him now can learn and train with him. So we finally picked him yesterday. At the shelter I had to sign that I was aware that "Spider us attacked a zookeeper and bitten in the face," - better safe than sorry.

Since I am of course aware, particularly pain can lead to such incidents, I had health check up Spider: HD and lumbar spine X-ray (Spider is a shepherd-husky-mix) Blood tests (differential blood count, liver, kidney, diabetes and thyroid), eye, ear and dental inspection, etc. It has a light Rolllid so but was hardly any problems, the little bit of tartar removed, and his ears are perfectly OK. Heart and abdomen normal, very briefly worn claws. Blood in the normal range, the thyroid levels are still missing. In the lumbar spine show no changes, however, a slight HD is on the left. Pain may therefore well be causally responsible for the accident, especially as can be seen at the time of intense joint pain due to the weather.

Heute habe ich Spider wieder besucht, er ist so ein lieber, sanfter und höflicher Hund, der sehr gerne gekrault wird – selbstverständlich habe ich ihn nur ganz vorsichtig hauptsächlich im Hals- und Brustbereich gestreichelt und seine Hüftpartie bewusst ausgelassen, wenn er von sich aus zu mir kam.

Spider durfte mit mir gemeinsam in einen eingezäunten Freilaufbereich, wo ich ihn erstmal beobachtete und ihn belohnte, wenn er zu mir kam. Da der Unfall kurz nach dem Ableinen passierte, wollte ich testen, wie Spider auf An- und Ableinen und eine gespannte Leine reagiert. Wieder einmal zeigte er sich äußerst kooperativ und war sehr aufmerksam. Auch ein Griff ins Brustgeschirr bereitete ihm keine Probleme (ich habe ihn natürlich nicht mit meinen Bewegungen überrascht und auch nicht alles auf einmal gemacht!).
Jeder Hund, leider aber gerade ein großer, schwarzer mit dieser Geschichte, sollte das Tragen eines Beißkorbs kennen. Heute hat Spider die „ersten Schritte“ gemacht: Leckerlis essen aus dem Beißkorb. Weil das so gut funktioniert hat, habe ich auch schon damit begonnen, ihm den Riemen übers Genick zu legen (aber ohne Zumachen!).

Ich werde mich jetzt längere Zeit sehr intensiv um Spider kümmern und berichte hier über seine Entwicklungen. Langfristig bin ich auch auf der Suche nach einem guten Zuhause.
Bei Interesse und/oder Fragen bitte ich um Kontaktaufnahme. :-)

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JOINT OPINION by Mag Ursula Aigner (four feet) and Alexander Willer (Vienna Animal Protection Society) on the draft decree of the BMG: "humane training of dogs" / "humane qualified dog trainers"

Sehr geehrter Herr Bundesminister!

Grundsätzlich ist es sehr zu begrüßen, dass der vorliegende Verordnungsentwurf

a) gewaltfreie Hundeerziehung
b) „tierschutzqualifizierte HundetrainerIn“ als geschützte Berufsbezeichnung

Allerdings sehen wir im „Sachkundenachweis“ zu Punkt b große Probleme in der
praktischen Umsetzung, auf die wir nachfolgend eingehen werden.

Zu Punkt a:
- The Explanatory Note to § 2 states: "The dog is to show by positive reinforcement (such as
by the administration of award) the desired behavior. It is to take
consideration that the dog is exposed to too much stress and not be overwhelmed
. enhance measures to combat readiness and aggressiveness,
shall be prohibited, such as the use of spiked collars, coral necklaces
and devices that aim to train the animal or to affect its behavior through
hardness or by penalties stimuli. "
One must agree with it! The training of a dog with using positive reinforcement
help in establishing a relationship of trust between man and dog
. The team of two and four-legged friend becomes an interactive team
while "traditional methods" still the subjugation of the animal,
the "command obedience" is a priority. Violence can never lead to a
trust, but rather promotes the approach of making unsolicited,
frightened animals that are then dismissed as so-called "problem dogs".

to point b:
- In § 3, explains: "Animal welfare Qualified dog trainer
must include the proper reliability und Sachkunde verfügen und
die in §4 geforderte Aus- und Fortbildung nachweisen können. (…) Wer sich
fälschlicherweise als „tierschutzqualifizierter Hundetrainer“ bezeichnet, verstößt
gegen die Bestimmungen dieser Verordnung und begeht somit eine
Verwaltungsübertretung (§38 Abs. 3 TSchG). (…) Durch die geschützte Bezeichnung
ist sichergestellt, dass der Tierhalter die Qualifikation des Hundetrainers im Sinne
des Tierschutzes erkennen kann.“
Auch hierzu Zustimmung: Das Berufsbild HundetrainerIn muss im Sinne einer
Qualitätssicherung geschärft werden, um unseriöse AnbieterInnen kenntlich zu

Among the criticisms:
1) According to § 7 of the draft regulation have only coach of the Austrian Kennel Club, the ÖHU, the
Austrian hunting dog owner association, dog handler and
persons who have completed the university course "Applied Canine"
possess the necessary expertise.
in Appendix 1 of the 2nd Livestock Regulation, however, is: ". ... And people,
a comparable levels of training and testing by a show
other domestic or foreign organization"
Why was omitted this passage in the draft regulation?
our conviction that it must in the regulation are necessarily integrated, as evidenced
following points:

· International reputation
experts as Clarissa von Reinhardt, Turid Rugaas, Anne Lill Kvam or Sheila
Harper were / are pioneers of a non-violent, modern dog training and
international reputation. Their training methods would be recognized under
of this draft decree.

· Authenticity
It is expected that graduates of the courses called experts
far are closer to reducing the stress point in a given principle of positive reinforcement or

dog training as trainers of organizations die mit motivatorischen Methoden noch kaum
Erfahrung haben! Salopp formuliert darf es nicht vorkommen, dass „der Schmiedl
den Schmied“ ausbildet. Dies hätte einen qualitativen Rückschritt um mindestens ein
Jahrzehnt zur Folge.

· Wirtschaftsstandort Österreich
Im Vorblatt des Verordnungsentwurfes steht, dass es „keine“ Auswirkungen auf den
Wirtschaftsstandort Österreich gäbe. Das ist unrichtig. Es gibt in Österreich eine
Vielzahl in internationalen Kursen gut ausgebildeter und engagierter
HundetrainerInnen, die durch die Verordnung in vorliegender Fassung von einem
Tag zum anderen arbeitslos wären, weil ihre Qualifikation nicht mehr would be valid.
This is about professional lives that have been built up for years under many personal
Forced "retraining" of this for years engaged in private practice,
highly qualified dog trainers in organizations with motivational
dog training can hardly demonstrate experience would be absurd!

· European Union
a de facto monopoly is contrary to a few domestic clubs
our view, the principle of free competition in the European Union
. Smaller, foreign institutions were thus no chance of
recognition. Thus would qualitativ hochwertige alternative Ausbildungen vom
Wettbewerb ausgeschlossen. Was nicht sein soll, denn im Zentrum muss die Qualität
der Ausbildung stehen, nicht eine bestimmte Vereinszugehörigkeit.

2) In §4 ist die Rede von „Praxis von mindestens zwei Jahren“. Wie wird diese Praxis
konkret bemessen? Hier fehlt eine Detaillierung in Stunden. Denn: Es macht einen
quantitativ wie qualitativ großen Unterschied, ob ein/e TrainerIn zwei Jahre lang nur
an Wochenenden tätig ist oder aber den Beruf HundetrainerIn zwei Jahre lang
praktisch tagtäglich ausübt.

3) In §5 ist nur der Terminus „Verein“ angeführt. Dieser Begriff sollte
be replaced by "institutions" as it is not the actual factual basis, that train exclusively
clubs dog trainers.

Basically, the objectives of the draft regulation, namely the
nonviolent dog training and quality assurance in the pet trainer-training
very welcome.

However, the regulation contradicts itself and proves both the
animal welfare and the profession a disservice pet trainer, pet
should be highly qualified trainers who are not mentioned in the draft
organizations lose their professional skills.
Wir treten daher dafür ein, dass der Passus „ … sowie Personen, die eine
vergleichbare einschlägige Ausbildung und Prüfung durch eine sonstige in- oder
ausländische Organisation nachweisen“ in §7 der Verordnung eingefügt wird.

Ratsam wäre die Bildung einer qualifizierten ExpertInnenkommission, die für die
Anerkennungen und für die Qualitätssicherung des Begriffs zuständig ist.

Mag. Ursula Aigner,
Mag. Alexander Willer,

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Example Of Linear Regulated Power Supply

"Alternative education is not recognized": draft a new dog training VO

Bitte helft mit, diese Verordnung zu verhindern! Bis 28.1.2011 haben wir noch Zeit, gegen den Entwurf anzukämpfen!

Kopiert den roten Text, setzt Eure Daten ein und schickt ihn an Herrn Stöger/BMG.

Nach dem Brief findet Ihr den Gesetzesentwurf zum selbst überzeugen!

Anschrift                                                                                                                 Datum

Bundesminister Alois Stöger
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit
Radetzkystraße 2
1030 Wien

Betreff:       VO des BMG über die tierschutzkonforme Ausbildung
                     and behavior training of dogs

Dear Mr. Minister Stoeger,

dog training just to win, especially in light of the new regulations in some states more important. The new draft law is welcome as far as quality criteria - training with motivation and reward, no pressure or coercion - should be pursued. Unfortunately, the effect of the draft but in fact just the opposite!

This draft regulation seems to take that dog trainers in Austria only a hobby in the clubs of the Austrian Kennel Club (ÖKV), the Austrian Dog Sport Union (ÖHU) or the Austrian hunting dog owner association (ÖJGV) the activity or service dogs are leaders.

This is a long time is no longer the reality in Austria. In recent years, several self-employed, free dog trainers have established that do work full time basis and in accordance to the applicable laws of your departments (paragraph 1.6. Appendix 1 of the second livestock regulation). These trainers are often not aware placed under one of these clubs, but completed alternative quality training and seminars at home and abroad .

These free dog trainers outside the canine Austrian clubs could be established but only because there is a demand for it. Consumers have show interest in alternatives to "conventional" training their dogs on the ÖKV / ÖHU-dog place, precisely because these free trainers a quality level high and high professional competence in terms of animal protection regulations training with motivation and reward . Now is a deliberately destroying setback in a monopolistic Dog training services that leaves the / the dog keeper no option open. Especially since the one hand welfare motivated trainers will be sidelined and are accepted on the other hand incumbent trainers of these associations from the outset , degrade the quality of dog training in Austria, and thus the dogs.

The free dog trainers afford for years a much greater contribution to a humane education, as this is "the dog place" is possible or would be. Right here can be solved namely no serious problems. The important work with dogs in everyday life, the best prevention is Beißunfällen and would be at risk from this new regulation.

  • This Regulation destroying the economic livelihood of hundreds of people in Austria, which are so low-income and unemployed. These people have started their professional activity as a dog trainer on the basis of existing laws (paragraph 1.6. Appendix 1 of the second livestock regulation) and allowed the entry into force of the Regulation no longer do their work.
  • Because: The draft regulation means the end for all dog trainers, not the Austrian Kennel Club (ÖKV), the Austrian Dog Sport Union (ÖHU) or belong to the Austrian hunting dog owner association (ÖJGV) or service dogs are leaders! So that all will be abolished in Austria make free pet trainers at a stroke. They all need their farms from which they are economically dependent, for a period of two years and must include a / an ÖKV, ÖHU, ÖJGV-service dog trainer or dog handler to go into teaching.
  • The free, self-employed as an individual entrepreneur dog trainers have to a considerable extent on high level training, in many cases, internationally renowned dog trainers, often have many years of professional experience as a dog trainer and make a contribution to good trained dogs. Many of these trainers have training courses listed in the content and scope by far on the Regulation of you in the prescribed amount go!
  • close with this Regulation, all already active trainers from the dog training, their trainers' training with the founders of modern, non-violent and have completed so humane dog training. These are world-renowned stars like Turid Rugaas, Clarissa von Reinhardt, Sheila Harper, Anne Lill Kvam etc.
  • In the interests of animal welfare, this means a step back by years or decades in dog training Austria! Modern, non-violent, Humane dog training has taken its origin in Europe in the aforementioned international sizes. A large number of trained people working there on a scientific basis and the highest ethical standards now than in Austria dog trainer. The purpose of this draft regulation includes one of these dog trainers and dog training from the formation of other trainers. In order to promote the welfare of the dog training but do not boycott it!
  • And meanwhile, the BMG, at least for a period of two years of a monopoly for ÖKV, ÖHU, ÖJGV-service dog trainers and leaders. For the graduates of the university course "Applied Canine" can afford before 2012 to contribute and have previously also practiced at the listed trainers, their access to dog training is still a strong dog sporting approach based on subordination and often little or no relation to everyday added.
  • take the dog owners with the opportunity of free choice as to be formed on the way in which their dogs, because you force people, at least for two years, to to train their dogs in a / an ÖKV, ÖHU, ÖJGV-service trainer or dog handler.
  • ignore this regulation, the fact that at the time of entry into force of this Regulation, dog trainers are in Austria, which under existing laws an item of official channels equality with ÖKV, ÖHU-ÖJGV reach-dog trainers and pet service leaders, by example, they are entitled under existing state laws the Vienna dog handler certificate, the LA Dog Owner's competence regulation, or the Upper dog holding certificate of competence to decrease.
I ask you to revise the draft regulation to once again rule.
All those dog trainers at the time of entry into force of the Regulation, have demonstrated a high quality education and professional experience outside of the kennel clubs must also be acknowledged explicitly (§ 7 Transitional provision)!
Furthermore, it must be allowed to continue with alternative, high-quality training in the recognition at home and abroad as a dog trainer to be, if their contents are consistent with those of Regulation!
Finally, the training content are important, and not associations or institutions!


bill by

Short Title
regulation with regard to closer Provisions on training and behavior training of dogs

front page
With the amendment to the Animal Protection Law (Federal Law Gazette I No. 80/2010) was in § 24 para 3 APL normalized a regulation authority with which the education and behavioral training should be governed by dogs. This is to the point 1.6. Appendix 1 of the 2nd Livestock Regulation replace.
This Regulation aims at training content of dog training festzulegen. Bislang mangelt es an einheitlichen Qualitätskriterien in diesem Bereich.
Beibehaltung des Punktes 1.6. der Anlage 1 der 2. Tierhaltungsverordnung.
Diese Verordnung legt die Grundsätze der Hundeausbildung fest. Weiters werden personenbezogene Erfordernisse an die Ausbildner, Inhalte der Ausbildung und deren Prüfung, sowie Ausschlussgründe auf Seiten des Ausbildners geregelt.
Finanzielle Auswirkungen:
Auswirkungen auf die Beschäftigung und den Wirtschaftsstandort Österreich:
impact on administrative burdens for citizens and businesses:
has over the current law has no effect.
impact in environmental terms , particular climate impact:
Gender impact:
relation to the legislation of the European Union:
in the draft proposed regulations fall outside the scope of the law of the European Union.
special features of the standard-setting process:

Regulation of the Minister of Health concerning detailed provisions on animal protection compliant training and behavior training of dogs
Because of § § 24 para 1 Z 2 and 24 paragraph 3 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Animals (Animal Protection Act - Animal Protection Act), BGBl I No 118/2004, Article 2, as last amended by Federal Law Gazette I No. 80/2010 shall, by regulation:
§ 1 This Regulation shall apply to the training of all dogs. Exception of service dogs as defined in § 1 of the Service Dog Training Regulation, BGBl II No. 494/2004.
principles of dog training
§ 2 (1) The training and behavior training your pet with animal welfare have . Done It should be noted in particular that no measures are used and registered pursuant to § 5 of the APL ban cruelty to animals.
(2) The training and behavioral training of the dog must be placed on value, that a dog friendly socialization to dogs and people of all ages and is getting used to as many environmental stimuli.
(3) The desired behavior of the dog should be encouraged through positive reinforcement, to the fullest extent. Stress shall be avoided whenever possible.
training of foreign dogs
§ 3 (1) For the purposes of education and behavioral training of dogs are only entitled to welfare qualified dog trainer. This does not apply to the education and behavioral training for dogs, which are made exclusively by their holders.
(2) The animal protection qualified dog trainer can be described only those persons who meet the following requirements:
first they have legal capacity and the farming von Tieren gemäß § 12 TSchG geeignet sein;
           2. sie müssen verlässlich sein;
           3. sie müssen die erforderliche Aus- und Fortbildung nachweisen können.
Aus- und Fortbildung tierschutzqualifizierter Hundetrainer
§ 4. Die Aus- und Fortbildung gemäß § 3 Abs. 2 Z 3 hat mindestens Folgendes zu umfassen:
           1. Praxis von mindestens zwei Jahren durch Mitarbeit bei einem tierschutzqualifizierten Hundetrainer zumindest in Welpenkursen und Begleithundekursen.
           2. Nachweis von Kursbesuchen während der oben genannten Zeit in verpflichtendem Ausmaß von zumindest 150 Stunden.
third Completion of training by a test consisting of a theoretical and a practical part. The test is conducted by three experts, one engaged in behavioral research scientist, a veterinary specialist for small animal science and a skilled dog trainer welfare together. The practical part of solutions in at least four different situations are provided. Of having passed the examination a certificate is issued, which the competent district administrative authority shall also be provided.
           4. Verpflichtende Fortbildung alle zwei Jahre, die einerseits eine Kurzwiederholung des Basiswissens und andererseits eine Weiterbildung bietet.
§ 5. (1) Im Zuge der Ausbildung gemäß § 4 Z 2 müssen jedenfalls die wesentlichen Grundlagen der folgenden Inhalte vermittelt werden:
           1. Humane methods of education
second Learning methodology and learning behavior, conditioning
third Expressive behavior of the dog
4th Nature and behavior of the dog (see hazards, environmental stimuli)
5th Aggressive behavior (in conjunction with threshold and obedience)
6th Breed-specific behavior
7th Species-oriented husbandry, feeding and care, and the special needs individual races
8th Breeding and raising of dogs, development phases and their importance
9th Puppy Training and Development, puppies, puppy school
10th Dog breeding, dog shows and dog evaluation
11. Ethologie, Kommunikation und Didaktik
        12. Rechtsbestimmungen (insbesondere Tierschutzrecht)
        13. Veterinärmedizinische Grundlagen, Krankheiten des Bewegungsapparates, Impfungen, Erbkrankheiten, Genetik und Anatomie, Erste Hilfe
        14. Mensch-Tierbeziehung, Geschichte des Hundes
        15. Disziplinen des Hundesports
(2) Die geltenden Ausbildungsinhalte samt Erläuterungen werden vom Bundesminister für Gesundheit auf der Homepage des Bundesministeriums veröffentlicht.
(3) Das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit kann Vereine, die eine dieser Verordnung entsprechende Ausbildung anbieten, auf der Homepage des Bundesministeriums veröffentlichen. Auf diese Veröffentlichung besteht kein Rechtsanspruch.
§ 6. (1) Verlässlichkeit im Sinne des § 3 Abs. 2 Z 2 liegt keinesfalls vor, wenn eine Person wegen tierquälerischen Verhaltens von einem Gericht oder einer Verwaltungsbehörde rechtskräftig verurteilt bzw. bestraft worden oder die Staatsanwaltschaft auf Grund diversioneller Maßnahmen (§ 198 StPO) von der Strafverfolgung zurückgetreten ist.
(2) Ebenso liegen diese Anforderungen nicht vor, wenn eine Person wegen eines vorsätzlich begangenen Vergehens gegen Leib und Leben rechtskräftig verurteilt worden ist.
§ 7. (1) Für zum Zeitpunkt des Inkrafttretens dieser Verordnung bereits acting coach of the Austrian Kennel Club, coach of the Austrian Dog Sport Union, coach of Austrian Hunting Dog Association and use people who have completed the university course "Applied Canine" and also purchased the required practices pursuant to § 4 item 1 shall, in § 3 training required criteria to be fulfilled.
(2) The training of service dog handlers, it is recognized.
Personal names
§ 8 all in this Regulation used in personal terms apply equally to persons of both female and male.
§ 9 This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 March 2011, but not before the end of the day of its publication in the Federal Gazette, strength.

General Part
This draft regulation is based on the regulatory power of § 24 para 3 APL. It is generally defined what is meant by animal welfare compliant dog training. Particular attention is paid to the training of persons who work as a dog trainer, that is the strange dogs or pets train guide dog training and help laid. For the training needs nationally standardized qualifications are set because it is essential for the profession of dog trainer to demonstrate the necessary expertise. The trainer is very much a key contact for the dog owner in all matters arising from the use of the dog. The dog was purchased at a pet shops, the customer is already buying from traders umfangreich aufzuklären, insbesondere über das Eingriffsverbot des § 7 TSchG, zu Fragen der Ernährung und Erziehung, über die notwendige tierärztliche Betreuung (wie Impfungen, Entwurmungen) und auch über die Pflicht zur Registrierung gemäß § 24a TSchG (vgl. hierzu § 8 Tierhaltungs-Gewerbeverordnung).
Die vorliegende Verordnung berücksichtigt einerseits die Grundsätze einer schlanken und effizienten Staatsverwaltung, da kein Verfahren vor der Behörde zur Anerkennung vorgesehen ist, andererseits auch jene der Kundenfreundlichkeit. Zur Kontrolle der Einhaltung dieser Verordnung siehe Moreover, the special part of the configuration 3 §
Special Section
To § 1:
it, the scope is normalized so that the provisions of this Ordinance for all dogs - are - with the exception of service dogs. Service dogs are only dogs owned by the Federation, which are used in safety executive and the armed forces.
on training hunting dogs, the Animal Protection Act and the regulations made find application in any event, since only the exercise of hunting is not covered by the Animal Welfare Act and the training do not fall under the term "Hunting" can be subsumed.
to § 2:
Here it is parked on the welfare-oriented training. Here particular care to ensure that measures are taken for the welfare of animals, humane behavior, as it is laid down in § 5 APL is prohibited in all cases. The dog is to show by positive reinforcement (such as through the administration of award) the desired behavior. It should be taken into consideration that the dog is exposed to too much stress and not be overwhelmed. Measures to combat readiness and increase aggressiveness, sind ebenso verboten wie der Einsatz von Stachelhalsbändern, Korallenhalsbändern und Geräten, die darauf abzielen, das Tier zu dressieren oder sein Verhalten durch Härte oder mittels Strafreizen zu beeinflussen. Tierkämpfe und das Hetzen auf andere Tiere, um das Tier abzurichten, sind verboten. Bei der Ausbildung zum Schutzhund muss zudem darauf geachtet werden, dass die Ausbildung nicht abgebrochen wird.
Zu § 3:
In dieser Bestimmung werden die personenbezogenen Erfordernisse bezogen auf die Ausbildung fremder Hunde geregelt. Damit sind auch all jene Ausbildungen erfasst, bei denen der Halter des Hundes zwar mitwirkt, sich bei der Ausbildung aber der Hilfe einer other person served. Animal welfare Qualified dog trainer must have his own right and can prove in § 4 required education and training include the proper reliability and expertise.
Those who mistakenly called "welfare-qualified dog trainer" means, violates the provisions of this regulation and thus commits an administrative violation (§ 38 para 3 APL). This is, in appropriate circumstances pursuant to § 33 para 1 APL by the local district administration and in the event that it is tatsächlich um eine Falschbezeichnung handelt, zu ahnden. Daneben sind auch zivilrechtliche Folgen einschließlich von Verfahren nach dem UWG möglich.
Durch die geschützte Bezeichnung ist sichergestellt, dass der Tierhalter die Qualifikation des Hundetrainers im Sinne des Tierschutzes erkennen kann.
Zu § 4:
Im Sinne der Qualitätssicherung und auch im Hinblick auf eine Vergleichbarkeit der einzelnen Ausbildungen wird hier festgelegt, welchen Umfang die Ausbildung jedenfalls zu enthalten hat.
Die Ausbildung gliedert sich in einen theoretischen und einen praktischen Teil. Die gesamte Dauer der Ausbildung is at least 2 years, but the demonstration of the practical training is done at too, at least in puppies and dogs accompanying courses. Within this period also, the theoretical training component is to complete at least 150 hours is provided mandatory.
The test is taken in the interaction of three experts. As experts have this ever an active in behavioral research scientist, a veterinary specialist for small animal science and animal welfare qualified dog trainers work together. The composition of the experts from the three areas to ensure that future trainers have the necessary knowledge, order with difficult dogs and Mensch-/Hundgespannen deal and this practice to the test.
The practical part of four or five cases needing to be checked to provide for which the candidate has solutions.
every two years is a mandatory training.
to § 5:
It here that content is recorded, which must be included in the training anyway. They are of particular relevance to animal welfare. For dog owners, it makes the right choice in dog school, he found a high minimum standard in education vorgeschrieben ist; gerade in Zeiten, wo sogenannte „Problemhunde“ vermehrt in Erscheinung treten, ist eine Qualitätskontrolle sinnvoll und auch notwendig.
Tierschutzgerechte Erziehungsmethoden in Verbindung mit Lernmethodik und Lernverhalten sowie Konditionierung zeigen deutlich den Fortschritt in der Hundeausbildung auf, da in heutigen Ausbildungen das stressfreie Trainieren (Erziehung belohnungsbasiert) im Vordergrund steht, womit der Hund eine vertrauensbildende Interaktion mit dem Menschen aufbaut. Dies wirkt sich positiv auf den Gehorsam des Hundes aus. Bei zwangsbasierenden Erziehungsmethoden treten vermehrt Verhaltensprobleme wie Angst bis hin zur Aggression auf - unsachgemäßes Anwenden von Bestrafungsmaßnahmen can be a defense to have the dog episode. Correctly assessing
to adapt the behavior of the dog to, it is also essential to know about the expressive behavior and his racial-specific behavior assessment - early detection of canine transmitted signals is to protect both the animals and the people here is of immense importance. This work requires knowledge of the nature and behavior of the dog, cause of aggression and also to take account of the influence on the breed. All of this serves the welfare proper handling of the dog.
Canine Education is already in the puppy age, because the dog already this stage of key strikes for the subsequent behavior will notice. Especially in the socialization phase is how to deal / the peaceful encounters with other creatures critical to the further development of the dog and also for his own protection. He learns to recognize the signals of human and animal properly. Precisely for these reasons, it is important that the topic of puppy training, puppies, puppy school training into account. For which it stands is also the knowledge of breeding and raising of dogs, the knowledge about the different stages of a dog and also about the needs of individual breeds in terms of welfare, care and feeding. Here pander to the judges at exhibitions have an important role, as are being used for breeding prize-winning animals preferred.
in the mediation of ethical principles, which includes the knowledge of the basic needs of the dog for a physical and psychological well-being, is the LPA § 1 into account, which aims at the special responsibility of humans for animals as fellow creatures . Training in the ethics contribute to the pet owner awareness is taught this and sends it to the dog the greatest possible care. As the dog acts as a social partner of the people is the learning content Communication and teaching methods to be considered here - non-violent communication is a prerequisite for peaceful use of dogs to each other and also of dogs with other animals.
Knowledge of veterinary medical principles, especially as vaccination, genetic diseases, genetics and anatomy, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and first-aid measures concerned should, increasingly, the non-physician be brought home. This training shall include at least content in the dog trainers ensure that they have this basic knowledge, thus ensuring even, that there is no overload / overuse of the dog comes during training.
Knowledge of, for animal husbandry, relevant legislation is important - in particular to go into training at the Animal Welfare Act, including the adopted regulations, but in addition also to provisions in other federal or state laws (eg, security police laws, various regulations of the countries with regard to keeping dogs / handler certificate).
With the mediation of the basics of dog sports should be avoided, that a dog is overwhelmed. Specific breeds have special needs / skills that can be targeted, such as in sports. With the right training this dog is the animal protection Account.
In Section 2, the publication of educational content, including explanations on the website of the Ministry of Health is set. With the release of the required training content of the welfare-qualified dog trainer on the website of the Ministry for any dog \u200b\u200bowner is given the opportunity to get an idea as to what criteria was trained a dog trainer.
to § 6:
to dog training is not entitled to inflict suffering on animals because those who already conduct by a court or an administrative authority convicted or penalized, and those for whom the prosecutor has resigned because diversioneller measures (§ 198 CCP) from the prosecution of such offenses. Also excluded from education are those who have been convicted of an intentionally committed crime against life and limb. This is to protect the dogs.
to § 7:
paragraph 1 of this provision makes clear that those dog trainer, before the entry into force of this regulation, the requirements of point 1.6. Appendix 1 of the 2nd Livestock Regulation have met the requirements dieser Verordnung entsprechen. Dies gilt jedenfalls für zu diesem Zeitpunkt tätige Trainer des Österreichischen Kynologenverbandes, Trainer der Österreichischen Hundesportunion und Trainer des Österreichischen Jagdhundegebrauchsvereins sowie für Personen, die den Universitätslehrgang „Angewandte Kynologie“ absolviert haben, sofern sie die geforderte Praxis des § 4 Z. 1 erworben haben.
In Abs. 2 wird festgestellt, dass Diensthundeführer generell anerkannt sind. Deren Ausbildung wird in anderen Rechtsvorschriften geregelt.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Neo Synephrine For My Dog

book: Who wants to think must feel

dog training seems to be so simple and yet so difficult is the ultimate ... or ... not?
all depends on who is asked. Exit as many - self-appointed - Dog Whisperer with almost any behavior of the dog to a "vague rank relationship" or "dominance" and act accordingly, "hard" on the dog one, explain the conditioner sober and emotionally neutral cause and effect. The solution then reminds you more of a mathematical equation as to the training of sentient beings.
Während sich die Methoden, die sich ausschließlich an Dominanz und Rangordnung orientieren, wissenschaftlich schon längst als völlig falsch herausgestellt haben, müssen auch die AnhängerInnen der Lerngesetze noch dazulernen - denn wie lautet der Untertitel so schön: „Mit Herz und Verstand zu einem besseren Umgang mit Hunden“.
Die Autorin Elisabeth Beck beschreibt eine ganzheitliche Perspektive auf das Zusammensein von Mensch und Hund. Sie zeigt damit, wie wichtig Wissen und Bauchgefühl im Umgang mit Hunden sind.
Ein äußerst gelungenes Buch!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Do Pressure Points Start Periods

book and Link Tip: Animals vaccinated with understanding

Wer kennt das nicht: der Kontrollbesuch beim/bei der TierärztIn ist auch beim gesunden Hund (Katze, Kaninchen, Pferd, etc) selten „günstig“. Mensch kann immer „Vorsorgen“: 7fach-Impfungen, Entwurmungen, Flohmittel, Blutabnahme, alles auf einmal – damit ein zweiter Besuch nicht notwendig ist. Es ist kaum möglich, dies abzulehnen ohne ein schlechtes Gewissen zu haben – schließlich soll die tierliche Gesundheit nicht am Geld scheitern...

Aber kann das alles wirklich noch gesund sein? Kein Mensch wird derart „zugedröhnt“, im Gegenteil: jährliche Impf-Auffrischungen gibt es ganz just do not. Why not?

  1. because they bring nothing -> protection period far longer than a year because they hurt even
  2. -> each vaccine strain on the organism and the immune system (for general susceptibility to disease, tumors, allergies, .. .)
In animals, these so-called vaccine damage will not be taken too seriously. Finally, some merit to this practice: by powerful pharmaceutical companies started up to and to the small country veterinarian.

Impfsarkom-The death of her cat, the author began to intensively with the topic to set apart and researched in Germany and abroad. This research is scientifically sound and proven.
She is by no means a matter of vaccinations to demonize general. Monika Peichl explained rather that when vaccinations are important and why. It is not Impfgegnerin, all people and animals that are living with her vaccinated, but of course only as often as necessary.